How do you know the fire rating of the flame retardant cloth?

Oxygen index detection method: fabric burning, need to consume a lot of oxygen, not the same combustible, the amount of oxygen needed to burn is not the same, according to the determination of low oxygen consumption in the process of material combustion, calculated the oxygen index value of the material, can judge the combustion performance of the material.


Horizontal method and vertical method are the most common methods of fire material measurement. Its basic principle is: horizontally or vertically pinch one side of the specimen, add a required gas flame to the free end of the specimen, according to the measurement of linear combustion rate (horizontal method) and flame and flame combustion time (vertical method) to comment on the flame retardant cloth combustion performance of the specimen. The vertical test is more intense than the 45° direction and the horizontal direction.Flame retardant fabric manufacturer


Vertical method is divided into vertical damage length method, vertical flame propagation performance measurement method, vertical flammability test method and surface combustion performance measurement method. Vertical method can be used to test the flame retardant properties of clothing textiles, decorative textiles, tents, etc.Flame retardant fabric manufacturer Tilt method is mainly used for aircraft interior decoration cloth; The horizontal method is mainly used for matting fabrics such as carpets.Flame retardant fabric manufacturer

The flame retardant cloth test method is mainly used to detect the damage length, continuous combustion time and smoldering time of the specimen. The specimens of a certain size were lit in the required combustion chamber with the required ignition source for 12s. After removing the ignition source, the continuous combustion time and smoldering time of the specimens were detected. After the smoldering is stopped, the damage length is measured according to the prescribed method. Mainly according to the United States ASTMF1358-1995 “textile flame retardant performance standard measurement method — vertical method” and China’s GB/T5456-2009 “Textile combustion performance vertical direction test specimen flame spread performance” and GB5455-1997 “Textile combustion performance test vertical method” and other standards. Chinese national standards require continuous combustion time ≤5s, smoldering time ≤5s, damage length ≤150mm. According to the relative position of the specimen and the flame, it can be divided into vertical method, inclined method and horizontal method.


Oxygen index refers to the concentration of oxygen in the flame retardant fabric to the point of ignition. Normally, the higher the oxygen index of the fabric, the higher the oxygen concentration required to ignite, and the less likely it is to ignite; On the contrary, the fabric oxygen index is low, in low oxygen concentration value easy to reach the ignition point. An oxygen index below 21 is flammable fabrics, and an oxygen index above 28 is flame retardant fabrics.

Post time: Oct-11-2022